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Touchless Handwashing Timer / Nightlight

Program a cute little timer that activates when you clap your hands! Perfect for shared bathrooms.

Program a touchless hand-washing timer and night light, using drag-and-drop MakeCode blocks (and/or JavaScript) with the Circuit Playground Express.

This little board is fantastic for developers who are starting their hardware journey. It’s packed with sensors and outputs for sound, light, motion, and more. Here, we’ll use the built-in sound level sensor and ring of 10 RGB LEDs.

Since there are only 10 LEDs, we’ll be using two light levels for each one as we count down. At the end, you get a satisfying rainbow light pattern and “da-ding!” sound. :)

To keep the whole thing touchless, we’re using the CPX’s sound sensor to start the timer when you clap your hands.”

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