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Build a complete LW, MW and SW (AM and SSB) radio with the Si4735 and Arduino.

It is a receiver based on CI Si4735 controlled by Arduino with SSB support (amateur radio) conetroled by Arduino. This receiver uses the “Si4735 Arduino Library” written by PU2CLR (Ricardo Lima Caratti) and also can be used by others host MCU like (ESP32 and STM32).
1. Encoder to tune stations;
2. Band selection via push buttons
3. AM, FM and SSB;
4. LW, MW and SW;
5. Bandwidth filter;
6. BFO Control;
7. VFO/BFO switching via encoder push button;
8. 12 SW bands + one from (100KHz to 30MHz).
9. Frequency step switch (1, 5, 10, 100 and 500KHz KHz);”

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