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Controlling lights, door and light intensity using Raspberry Pi, Matrix Voice and Snips.

The story
Home automation allows us to control household electrical appliances like light, door, fan, and so on. Home automation not only refers to reduce human efforts but also energy efficiency and time saving.

The aim of the project is to

1. Conserve energy so that we can use natural light instead of artificial light to brighten up our homes this can be done by controlling brightness of the lights.

Note:- I also added light on/off and door control.

2. Provide security so that no one can hack / control your home appliances this can be done by making system offline and made a webpage to see the logs so that user can see which command he/she used while controlling the appliances.


Offline (No internet connection needed)
Controlling brightness of lights using voice
Display data on web
Display intensity value in gauge
Login Page with security (Not able to access main page without login )
Send data on email and clear the logs (For sending the data internet is required)
Auto refresh main page (Currently disabled)
Email notification after login (Internet needed)
In future I will try to add voice recognition so that it only respond to the authorized user and also add username in webpage to see who gave the command.

In this project, Raspberry Pi is connected with Matrix Voice via GPIO pins and all the six lights (such as bedroom, kitchen light) and a door which we are controlling through voice command are interfaced with expansion GPIO pins of Matrix Voice. We are providing input(voice command) through Matrix voice mic and taking output (response) as light on/off or change in light intensity or door open/close from GPIO of Matrix Voice.

I also made a webpage with security to see the logs and the last intensity value in gauge.”

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