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ESP-LINK: Wifi-Serial Bridge w/REST&MQTT

The esp-link firmware connects a micro-controller to the internet using an ESP8266 Wifi module. It implements a number of features:

- transparent bridge between Wifi and serial, useful for debugging or inputting into a uC
- flash-programming attached Arduino/AVR microcontrollers and LPC800-series and other ARM microcontrollers via Wifi
- built-in stk500v1 programmer for AVR uC’s: program using HTTP upload of hex file
- outbound REST HTTP requests from the attached micro-controller to the internet
- MQTT client pub/sub from the attached micro-controller to the internet
- serve custom web pages containing data that is dynamically pulled from the attached uC and that contain buttons and fields that are transmitted to the attached uC (feature not fully ready yet)

The firmware includes a tiny HTTP server based on esphttpd with a simple web interface, many thanks to Jeroen Domburg for making it available! The REST and MQTT functionality are loosely based on espduino but significantly rewritten and no longer protocol compatible, thanks to tuanpmt for the inspiration!

The following people contributed significant functionality to esp-link: brunnels (espduino integration), cskarai (custom dynamic web pages), beegee-tokyo (lots of code documentation), susisstrolch (syslog feature), bc547 and katast (misc contributions). Esp-link is the work of many contributors!

Note that is the original esp-link software which has notably been forked by as Esp-Link and shipped with the initial Arduino Uno Wifi. The JeeLabs esp-link has evolved significantly since the fork and added cool new features as well as bug fixes.”

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