“Here’s an easy six-step tutorial on how to build your own Arduino cocktail machine! It is relatively easy and cheap to build so let’s begin!
See the video below to see how the project was built. You can follow the tutorial and build it yourself, but I recommend that you check out this tutorial afterwards, so you can look back at it and see how it was done!
Step 1: Building the frame
The frame is basically built by eye, and can be sawed out by a jigsaw in some plywood, or you can use a cnc cutter like we did. the measurements aren’t that important, as long as they match what you want to have in your final product.
Take some time and try and visualize how many bottles you want. We went with 10 liquor bottles and 4 mixers, but any mix will do. Try and draw some different measurements on paper, and build your own design!
In the frame-building part, you also have to cut out some metal bars that will act as stabilization in the frame, and as holders for the pumps. The rails will also need to be cut out. This is where the v-groove wheels will come into play, as the rails are basically just 2 metal bars twisted a bit so the wheels can drive on them.
After the whole frame is assembled, as you can see how in the video, you will need to mount an endswitch in the middle of the 2 rails. This will acts as a stopper for the sleigh later on.”