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An Arduino Based Moped Display

I brought a rundown old moped from my auntie a while ago, although it was a little beaten up she ran just fine, so i gave her a breath of life and now shes once again road worthy ( MOT guy was happy with the moped ;) )
Anyway, i’m sure your all thinking thats all good and well but this is a micro-controller contest dude…
So Lets Begin…..
The Atmega328p-pu needs no introduction >> heres a data sheet…
My bike instrument panel had only the battery voltage monitor and the speedometer working, the bendy circuit behind the panel was toast due to the water ingress from p**ggios pants seals..ehm and the good news is the wiring was “OK” …
suddenly i morphed into multimeter man!!
So with my meter in hand i probed…

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