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About the projectMicrocontroller can be fun and entertaining at the same time, add some internet connectivity for real Internet of things ! Allow me to show you how I did manage to create a mini weather status display using 8x8 matrix display and a cute but power full MKR1000.
I will be using Genuino MKR1000 to fetch temperature, humidity and condition of weather within a selected location.
Show status to display in an slide animation pattern.
ChallengesUtilize the power of your microcontroller and level up for real Internet of Things!
Since 8x8 Matrix is basically an array of LEDs, I will need to program it to show text and animation effects
On this project you will also learn how to
consume rest web service api how to fully utilize the power of your microcontrollerutilize internet connection for IOThow to parse Json data how to use Threads and Wifi libraries in Arduino”

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