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3X3X3 Led Cube With Bluetooth (Android)

This is a guide to make your own 3x3x3 Bluetooth controlled LED cube
It all started about 2 years ago when I joined an electronics workshop where I was introduced to basic electronics like what is resistor, capacitor, diode, how to solder and other stuff and I started my first few electronics projects like a light sensitive switch, clap switch, etc. Then after some time I heard about Arduino. I was told that this is an amazing platform from which I could take my projects to a whole new level. I then started exploring about Arduino through internet I didnt join any class I learned about Arduino only through googling and when I was familiar with it I brought my first Arduino. This changed how I used to look at electronics and made my first few Arduino projects.
I liked the concept of LED cubes and decided to make one to begin I made a 2x2x2 LED cube then I thought that it was boring that the cue isnt in your control. So I decided to make a 3x3x3 LED cube with Bluetooth.
I decided to write an instructable about it but thats when I saw chrs instructable and I was inspired by the amount of detail he gave in his instructable so I decided to make a detailed instructable about it.
So in this instructable I will guide you in making this project.”

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