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Arduino Bluetooth Car

In this project we are going to make a Bluetooth Controlled Robot Car using Arduino. Although remote controlled robots(Car) that are available in the market are controlled by an RF remote, But this is the time of android phones. So I decided to make a wireless controlled Robot Car with arduino. To control this robot car we do not require any kind of RF remote, This car can be controlled by any one that uses android phone. So let’s make this awesome project.


- Arduino UNO
- Adafruit Motor Shield
- 4-Gear Motors
- 4-Wheels
- HC-05 Bluetooth Module
- 3-Li-ion Batteries
- Switch
- Jumper wires (female to female)
- Ribbon Wire
- MDF Board
- USB cable (that arduino Uno supports)
- Fevicol (glue)
- Double Sided Tape
- an Aluminum L-shaped strip with an screw”

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