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Ternary chord keyboard

In my heart I know we are stuck with the QWERTY keyboard but that doesn’t stop me wanting something different. I have thought about switching to Dvorak or Colemak key assignments but don’t want to deal with the problem of mental interference when I have to switch back to a normal keyboard.

On a search for alternate keyboards I came across the Accukey, a ternary chord keyboard [1]. The keyboard consists of 8 switches designed pushed or pulled from a center off position, one per finger. The switches are used in pairs, 1 left 1 right, to form a chord giving a total of 64 combinations.

My thinking is that this radically different keying method would give minimal interference to the typing skills that I have already.

Limited internet searching didn’t turn up the right sort of switches but I thought I could put together a test rig to sort out the code and hardware; the results of my efforts are presented here.”

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