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For a long time I have tested the Emoncms platform and in this opportunity I will show you the end result and the quality of the dashboards and / or visualizations.
I have taken some tutorials that will serve as intermediate steps.
We will visualize a dashboard created in emoncms, from several devices, update time and dynamism of the widgets and graphics.
In this tutorial we will not detail the hardware even though, although they are real data, the final hardware is still in development.
Technically there are 3 devices:
1- Arduino Mega 2560 + ESP8266 01(SOLAR MONITOR)
- 2 Temperature Measurement (Onewire)
- 2 Measurements DC voltages (conditioning)
- 1 Light Intensity Measurement (LDR)
2- Very easy charging circuit LM317, for
- 1 Battery acid 6v 1.2Ah
- 1 10W Solar Panel
3- Esp8266 12E NodeMCU Lolin (SOLAR STATION)
- 1 DHT 11 Temperature and Humidity Rel
The idea 1 analyze the behavior of the solar panel.
The idea 2 so far is to feed the ESP8266 12E 24/7 consuming 80mA without sleep mode.”

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