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FM Radio With Si4703 Breakout Board, LCD and Arduino

This project is just a small part of a bigger project I have been working on for the past couple of years (on and off). The background to this project is that a couple years back, I found a modern jukebox (iPod connection, AM/FM radio, CD player…) which had been dumped across the road from my house. The body was in decent condition but almost all of the electronics were damaged or missing. The only parts I managed to salvage were the LEDs on the front panels of the body. So I decided that I was going to do up all of the internal electronics to get the jukebox back up and running. One part of this was to make an FM radio with a LCD and push buttons to control the frequency tuning. After some research, I came across this cool little breakout board that you could use with Arduino to make an FM radio. So here’s what I’ve come up with! Apologies if some of my photos are a bit confusing and colours of wires don’t match up exactly with what I’ve written; I did this project some time ago and made a few changes recently so I’ve got a mix of old and (mostly) new photos.”

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