
“A Raspberry Pi equipped with 2 FM radios, one plays the station and the other scans the dial and shows the artist and title on each station I’ve always been a fan of FM radio and, driving around Austin …

“Contains a linear scale in which the frequency is displayed with an color LED dot which is an integral part of the WS2812 LED strip. The device presented in the video is a standard FM Arduino radio but with an …

“2 months ago I was made FM radio by TEA5767 chip ( Arduino Uno shield). I was used with TDA2822 sound amplifier chip. Everything it works, but I get information that it is another Si4703 FM board who had RDS. So …

“Build a great sounding FM radio with a cool display using an Arduino Nano and the Sparkfun Si4703 FM tuner breakout. As a kid, I used to build AM radios but never quite managed to build FM radios. They were …

“Around this time last year I published an Instructable just like this one where I used an Arduino Uno with the Si4703 evaluation board, a logic level converter and a 5V LCD to make an FM radio for my jukebox …

“This is another version of a music device with an Arduino UNO, a Bluetooth receiver, an FM radio, a clock and a small IR remote, all with a small touch screen, so a combination of several of other Instructables that …

“This project is just a small part of a bigger project I have been working on for the past couple of years (on and off). The background to this project is that a couple years back, I found a modern …