
“Make your own custom DRO that measures distance for lathes, milling machines, wood working tools, cut off saws and other purposes. I decided to build an inexpensive rugged custom Digital Read Out for myself and for other hobbyist. My DRO …

“Sensors are fun. They are small electronic chips that can sense this world. Our smartphones have a bunch of sensors, like gyroscope and accelerometer, but you can also connect these sensors with either an Arduino or a Raspberry Pi. (In …

“This post isn’t another How-To tutorial for a specific sensor because the Arduino community has already produced a considerable number of resources like that. You’d be hard pressed to find any sensor in the DIY market that doesn …

“With an Arduino Nano at its heart, this DIN rail mountable control box can monitor and help maintain the environment required for your fish to thrive. With sensors to monitor pH levels and temperature, and relays to control heaters, lights …

“For an assignment for the TU Delft we (Irene and Philippine) have made an audio sensor that measures rain intensity. This is also known as a disdrometer.”

“This instructable describes how you can build your own soil moisture sensor. There are a lot of instructables online about soil moisture sensors, but not that much about a self-made capacitor for measuring soil moisture content. With the simple resistance …

“The purpose of this project was to make a scanner: 1. That can scan pieces with maximun dimensions of 25cm in height and 10cm in width. 2. Cost-friendly 3. With the detail list of all materials used. The end result …

“In this instructable we’re going to show you how to build you own magnetic water depth meter. Our depth meter works with the concept of communicating vessels. The sensors are attached to a vessel that is connected to the …

“I am an academician in Faculty of Agriculture. We have a lot of experiments in field and measure some parameters that are constraint to do. One of the compulsory measurement is determining of soil moisture. Estimation of soil moisture as …

“Hello, everyone ! Today I’m going to show you how to use DS18B20 digital temperature sensor with Arduino, so you can measure the temperature of the air, liquids like water and the temperature of the ground.”