
“AC Digital Clamp and Meter This project reflects the second stage of work with the Prototype of Current Clamp with accounting and triggering capabilities. ACCM Concepts Sinusoidal currents inside electric cables produce a variable and also sinusoidal electromagnetic field. Thanks …

“The Valden Heat Pump controller is an open source platform to precisely control heat pumps. This controller can be used for the automation of newly built Heat Pumps (HPs), as a repair controller for old systems or as control system …

“It is not a mystery that we usually have doubts about the energy consumption records presented by the bills. For this reason I set out to create my own energy meter to be sure of what is really happening, if …

“One day I was wondering: how much electricity is flowing through my apartment right now? Looking online I found various sensor devices like Smappee and Sense, but those are relatively expensive and even require a subscription. So I decided to …

“In this post we will see how to measure the current frequency and power with a non-invasive current sensor SCT-13-50, a dual amplifier LM358. The most interesting thing about this project is that we can measure the current without …

“Turn a Raspberry Pi into a home energy monitor with inexpensive components. Background This project got it’s start because my local electric utility has started offering time of day rates. If you sign up, you get cheaper rates overnight …

“In this tutorial we will see how to build a simple IOT Industrial Data Logger(IDL) to log the device temperature and current to AWS IOT and display it on Hornbill IO. The IDL connects to Wi-Fi and then to …

“I want a monitor of consumption for my house, and after catch it online, I decided to make one. I want use Arduino UNO with Ethernetsshield, and Cayenne. Arduino UNO is a famous microcontroller. Do you want one? Do you …

“I was walking through the hardware store the other day and I walked past an energy meter which clips onto your home’s electricity mains and then provides you with information on your power consumption and cost estimates for the …

“After a long absence on the blog, here is my latest project: connecting the pool to home automation. Why ? We have a swimming pool equipped with a control system “automatically” pH and chlorine (electrolysis). Except that the chlorine control is …