Content for RGB LED Cube


The RGB LED Cube is 3D structure created with RGB LEDs that can be controlled individually to create astonishing visual effects.

5x5x5 RGB Color Cube

“An easy to construct RGB cube with a fantastic light show in software. This is one of a series of instructions on building LED cubes with the MEGA. The overall purpose is to build cubes without a lot of external …

8x8x8 RGB LED Cube

“An animated cube made with 512 RGB LEDs driven by an ATmega328.”


“ESP-01 ESP8266 can be used as a stand-alone device to control a RGB led cube 4x4x4. Today, I’d like to share how ESP-01 ESP8266 can be used as a stand-alone device to control a RGB led cube …

RGB LED Cube With Bluetooth App + AnimationCreator

“This is an instructable on how to build a 6x6x6 RGB LED (Common Anodes) Cube controlled by a Bluetooth App using an Arduino Nano. The entire build is easily adaptable to a say 4x4x4 or 8x8x8 Cube. This project is …