“Use NFC stickers to track electronic components with the use of a Particle Photon and a database back-end, along with a webpage interface. Imagine being the owner of a makerspace, where it is up to you to organize and track …
“I wanted to make something special for my wedding tables chart, and I thought this was a good way of making it personal, as it reflects my love (addiction) for electronic projects. So the plan was to make a big …
“Upon scanning the right tag and entering right pass, it will open door and send confirmation message otherwise it will send alert message. In the previous post, you learned about RFID and keypad based door lock system in which you …
“Hello! I am going to teach you how to make a cool, easy to make key card or key fob scanner! If you have a RFID MFRC522 module, leds, resistors, wires, a arduino uno, a breadboard, and a 9v battery …
“A cool way to mark attendance. Have you ever felt the need to automate your attendance process? If yes, then this is the perfect project to work upon. Based on nodemcu, mfrc522 rfid module and processing IDE, this allows you …
“I think this is a topic every parent is struggling with. How much can the kids play with their iPads (or any other tablet). We tried multiple approaches, like fixed times, but that did not really work as our kid …
“It all started with a struggle that I had when I had to pack my suitcase. I had to go to my dorm but i didn’t remember how many t-shirts or socks were still there. So I decided to …
“IntroductionToday we will be making an RFID Security System. This will work like a security system so when an RFID tag or card is near it will display a message on the LCD 1602. The purpose of this project is …
“In this project you’re going to build a time attendance system with MFRC522 RFID Reader and Arduino. When you swipe an RFID tag next to the RFID reader, it saves the user UID and time in an SD card …
“RC522 RFID modules are a simple add-on you can connect to a Raspberry Pi to read MIFARE tags and cards. This is potentially a great feature to include in a security system or any application where you need to identify …