
“What do you do when your microcontroller does not have enough pins? In this tutorial we will learn how to use shift registers to control LEDs and to read out pushbuttons, all with just three wires! In six steps, we …

“This repository contains the files required to build an easy to use MP3 player for small children. This project is heavily inspired by Hoerbert. Main components required to build: - Arduino Uno - Adafruit Music Maker shield - Speaker - Button PCB (see below …

“This is Zappette The Robot Clock! Years ago I made Zappo The Robot Clock for my son. Now I needed to make one for my daughter. Zappette is an Arduino microcontroller based, fully functioning alarm clock and MP3 player with …

“This project was made as part of my senior project at my university. The idea behind the device was to make a data logger that can be carried around a lab without the need to connect to a computer. In …