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LoRa powered solar PV monitoring system with Blues &Qubitro

Will guide you to build a LoRa E5-powered solar PV monitoring system with Blues cellular IoT and Qubitro cloud.

LoRa is a wireless network solution that emerged in the field of IoT. It is a low-power and wide-area network with low power consumption and a long transmission range. In this project, I’m going to explain how to build a LoRa-powered solar power monitoring system with the help of cellular IoT. The data from the photovoltaic solar panel is sensed and collected from sensors and transmitted using LoRa modules. Further, the data is uploaded to a Qubitro cloud portal via Blues Wireless cellular IoT notecards in the base station. Using Qubitro API we can monitor and analyze the solar PV system performance.

Hardware Requirements:
- LTE-M Notecard Global
- Notecarrier A with LiPo, Solar, and Qwiic Connectors
- Xiao RP2040
- LoRa Wio-E5
- Customized PCB from Seeed Fusion Service
- BH1750 - Light Intensity Sensor Module
- Gravity: I2C Digital Wattmeter
- Grove - Temperature & Humidity Sensor (SHT40)

- Arduino IDE
- Blues Notehub
- Qubitro”

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