“A Smart Irrigation system that monitors various parameters and decides when to start/stop the irrigation processs.
The Smart Irrigation System controls the irrigation schedule according to 4 parameters:
- Soil Moisture Level: When Soil Moisture drop below a certain threshold the irrigation process will begin which will water the soil until the Soil Moisture Level Rise above a certain threshold
- Relative Humidity: Use to find the Soil Moisture Level value to stop the irrigation process. Humidity plays an important role in determining how fast/slow the water evaporates from the soil and plant. Based on that statement when humidity is high (air is humid) less water is needed hence the Soil Moisture Level value to stop the irrigation process can be lower, conversely when humidity is low (air is dry) more water is needed hence the Soil Moisture Level value to stop the irrigation process can be higher.
- Rain Status: When there is rain present during the irrigation, the irrigation process should stop since the plant is already going to be watered naturally, hence reducing water wastage and prevent for overwatering the plant.
- Soil Moisture Level Range of Plant: This value is set by the user in the GUI different plants have different Soil Moisture Level Requirements, and these values can affect the Soil Moisture Level value to stop the irrigation process as this value must be within the range, additionally the Soil Moisture Level value to start the irrigation process also affected by this value as when the Soil Moisture Level Value drop below this range the irrigation process will start.
The Rain sensor circuit contains 4 electrical components which is the rain sensor which detects if any rain is present, the Arduino board processes the rain sensor analog input to determine whether there is rain and controls the pump according to the rain weather status, the LCD display to display the rain weather status and pump status, and an active low relay that controls the pump activation/deactivation.”