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In this project we will be creating an RC Car from scratch using 3D printed parts! Which will be used in my next project where we will be making the RC Car fully autonomous, that can drive itself, detect signs, obstacles, traffic lights, and much more. I have made avideothat goes over the whole project and explains each step very clearly. So if you want a video version, I highly recommend watching the video as it is much easier to follow.

Here is a list of all the components used in the project, I have also included links to the exact product used to might it slightly easier for you to find the exact components used.

- ESP32, this is used as the on-board micro-controller on the car.
- Attiny88, this is the micro-controller that is used in the joystick controller to control the car manually.
- 2S lipo battery, used to power the car.
- 18650 battery, used to power the joystick controller.
- 18650 TP4056 charging board, used to charge the 18650 battery.
- MT3608 step up converter, to convert the 18650 battery ~3.7V to a constant 5V.
- nRF24L01 (x2), used for the wireless radio communication between the transmitter(Attiny88) and the receiver(ESP32).
- MCP1700 (3V), to convert the 5V from the MT3608 to 3V to power the nRF24L01 module.
- TT motors (x4), used for the 4 wheels of the car.
- L298N Mini (x2), the DC motor controller for the TT motors (one controls two motors).
- Servo motor, used for the car steering.
- Joystick (x2), used to control the servo motor for the car steering when controlling it manually.
- LD1095(5v) voltage regulator (x2), one for the ESP32, and one for the servo motor.
- 10µF capacitors (x4), two for each of the LD1095 voltage regulators.
- Switches (x2), one to turn on and off the car and other for the joystick.
- Buttons (x2), for the joystick controller.”

Link to article