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Air Quality Monitoring ESP32-Based System

The system will be an ESP32 NodeMCU-based Air Quality monitoring system for checking PM, particulate matter (PM) as well as humidity…

Air Quality Monitoring ESP32-Based System
The system will be an ESP32 NodeMCU-based Air Quality monitoring system for checking PM, particulate matter (PM) as well as humidity as well as temperature, altitude as well as pressure. The various aspects of the environment of the location are tested and then displayed on the TFT screen and also using the ThingSpeak IoT (Internet of Things) platform. The prototype developed by the author is shown in Fig. 1.

Particulate matter

Dust and PM pose a health risk. PM2.5 can be smaller than 2.5 microns in diameter as is PM10 lower than 10 microns wide. This means that a PM10 report will also include PM2.5 too. Both particles are shorter than thehair of a human which is approximately 70 microns in diameter.


An operation like stone crushing the grinding of coal, and rotary kilning within the industry of cement, as well as dust on roads stirred by vehicles that move, can increase levels of PM10. The PM10 limit for 24-hours is 150 ug/m3.


It is the result of fine particles that are produced by any type of combustion such as motor vehicles thermal power plants, the burning of wood in residential homes, fires that are forest-related agricultural burning, and various other industrial processes. PM2.5 limit for the 24-hour average is 35ug/m3.

Circuit, working

This diagram for the air quality system based on IoT is illustrated in Figure. 2. It comprises of ESP32 NodeMCU SDS011, BME280 ILI9163 TFT display, resistor as well as transistor 2N2219. ESP32 NodeMCU is at the center part of this circuit. The details for connecting various module to ESP32 board are listed in the tables I II, III, and I.”

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