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VR Distance Head With ESP32-cams

Video conferencing can be boring, right? Better to see everything in 3D. Stereoscopic pictures are fascinating, so I decided to catch an image for each eye and send this to VR glasses. This tutorial shows how to build a moving VR camera with simple tools.
It is for makers with experience in programming and uploading of Arduino and ESP32.


2x ESP32-cam


- NodeMCU 8266 Amica
- 3 Servos
- pan & tilt kit
- USB-Header

VR display:

- glasses (~20 €)
- ESP8266-01
- MPU 6050
- LiPo battery


- smartphone
- soldering station + wire
- pins, sockets
- circuit boards
- USB cables, power supplies/powerbanks


- ESP32-cam1
- ESP32-cam2
- NodeMCU Amica
- ESP8266-01”

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