“Solar tracking photovoltaic (dual axis) that follows the sun, using LDR sensors and two DC motors.
This project is designed for educational purposes. It will be used for demonstration to students in order to have a first touch with solar trackers and photovoltaics.
The project is related to renewable energy and specifically photovoltaics. A dual axis solar tracker with photovoltaic was designed in order to follow the sun during the day. Photovoltaic powers the solar tracker (no external source needed).
To track the sun, I used four LDC sensors and Arduino compares the data from them to rotate the panel in the direction with the most sunlight using two DC motors (one for each axis) and motor driver.
There is a remote control with an auto/manual switch, single axis/dual axis switch and four buttons. While the first switch is turned to manual, you can manually rotate the panel using the four buttons (clockwise-anticlockwise in horizontal and vertical axis). While this switch is turned to manual, we have auto tracking of the system, single or dual depending the second switch.”