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Music PlayBox - ITTT

HKU Assignment
Welcome to my “If This Then That” Project.
For this project I made a simple music box where you can play several chords of instruments. You can choose which instrument you want to play (piano/guitar) and which chord you want to play per button.
In this instructable I will show you my concept, iterations and a short reflection. I will also share an electronic scheme and the code with explanation.

- Arduino Uno R3
- Small Sized Powerbank
- Laser Cutted 3mm MDF Box (
- 1k Ohm Resistor
- YX5200 DFPlayer Mini MP3 Module
- TCA9548A I2C Multiplexer
- 2 x 8 cm Experiment Print (Islands)
- Jumper Cables
- 20 cm Tinned Cables
- 3 x 0.96 Inch OLED 128 x 64 pixels I2C Display
- 1602 LCD I2C Display
- Small Wooden Planks
- 3W 40mm Speaker
- Rotary Encoder KY-040
- 3x Mini Pressure Switch
- Piano Hinge
- Screws / Bolts / Nails”

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