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This is variation of GyverMatrix project, and In this case, a Wi-Fi network is used instead of Bluetooth

This time I will show you how to control adressable led matrix 16 on 16 with smartphone. This is variation of GyverMatrix project, and In this case, a Wi-Fi network is used instead of Bluetooth. Now there is no need to use a real-time clock module because the time is synchronize with NTP server over the Internet. There is also no need for a Bluetooth module because the connection is made through the Wi-Fi network.

So the device is extremely simple to build and contains only a few components:

- The microcontroller unit is NodeMCU, ESP8266 or Wemos D1 which contain large amount of memory and WiFi on board. In my case it is ESP8266.
- 16 on 16 Led matrix module consist 256 WS2812 adressable Leds (Such matrices are sold at a price of 10 to 15 dollars to Aliexpress)
- The device also contains a DFPLAYER module that contains mp3 audio files needed for the alarm, or background sounds
- Small speaker
- one Button
- and at the end, 5V power supply capable to give minimum 3A of current”

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