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ArduTester V1.13: The Arduino UNO Transistor Tester

Sketch of transistor tester project from Karl-Heinz Kübbeler, so it’s much simpler to study, modify, verify and upload to an Arduino.

This is an automatic Transistor Tester, to identify pinout and characteristics of various discrete semiconductors ( Transistors NPN, PNP, MOSFETs, etc ). It’s also evaluating resistors, capacitors, inductances, etc… The original project was written in a mix of C and AVR Assembly Code for AVR gcc tooling AVR Studio.

My ambition was to port it into Arduino Web Editor, so simplifying tremendously the handling of the huge configurable software, making it instantly possible to edit, verify and upload to an Arduino UNO board without the need of installing any AVR tooling Suite or using Linux OS.

Most Arduino UNO Starter Kits contain the necessary components ( UNO R3 board, 1602 LCD, push buttons, Breadboard, Jumper wires, resistors ).

This project makes also Arduino open source, open hardware philosophy look better, because the previously .Hex files for Arduino UNO and MEGA 2560 provided from the Transistor Tester original project was not putting Arduino in a good light ( UNO version was provided without LCD, only serial monitor ).

Last but not least, there is almost no performance or accuracy lost with this Arduino Version ArduTester V1.13 when you compare with original TransistorTester !

How to Use the ArduTester V1.13 ?
Connect component to test to any TP1, TP2, TP3 (component can be Transistors NPN, PNP, FET, Resistors, Capacitors, Diodes, LED and many more.)

Warning: TEST only capacitor you have discharged before !

Then press TEST push button and read the Test result on the 2 X 16 LCD.”

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