“A compact alarm clock for your bedside table, with time, date, weather, news… and a relaxing sound to wake you up.
Yes, this is yet another alarm clock! But I feel like I’m not the only one deisiring a nice and simple object like this one to keep on the bedside table.
It comes with useful features like a soft wake up (with chirping birds from a little bluetooth speaker), changing set of information and luminosity for day and night, weather, news. WiFi is turned off during sleep time. All very customizable!
It is mainly based on the beautiful MagicMirror project, but in this case we use it with a little screen to display information we need, without hiding everything behind a mirror.
If you know MagicMirror a little, you know that there are different modules to install, to provide different kinds of functionality. For my project I used:
Clock (the default one)
MMM-AlarmClock (we want an alarm clock, right?)
CurrentWeather (default module)
WeatherForecast (also default)
NewsFeed (default)
MMM-Online-State (to check wether WiFi is on or off)
MMM-Tado (well, if you have a smart thermostat, you can display ambient info)
Then I thought cronis the easy and right tool to program some events during the day(s). I’ll show my crontab below.”