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Visitor Flow Rate Counting With ESP32

Last weekend I went to my friends milk tea shop to help because the business was so hot that he didn’t arrange enough clerks. In order to reasonably arrange the working hours of the clerk, I Build a counter to help him count the changes in the number of customers.

MakePython ESP32
MakePython A9G GPRS/GPS Expansion
Micro USB cable
Micro SD Card


ESP32 is work in a promiscusous mode that this clever chip allows IEEE802.11 network packets capturing for further analyzing. Presented sniffer requires a callback function that will process all received promiscusous packets. Example callback function displays few basic information like packet type (control packet, management packet, etc.), RSSI or MAC addresses. Nowadays everyone has a smart phone that has a unique MAC address. It means the MAC address represents one person, and counting the MAC address means counting the number of people.”

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