“The COVID-19 pandemic has spread to most parts of the world like a wildfire. One of the most telling symptoms of the infection includes fever, dry cough, and breathlessness. Now, 95% of cases of the virus have mild symptoms that can be treated and handled at home with proper quarantine precautions. For people who have mild symptoms or are still asymptomatic but fear having been in contact with the virus, the advice given by doctors is that they need to measure their temperature at least twice a day and monitor it to help determine if they are getting better or worse.
The thermometer is the most accurate way to tell if you are running a fever or not. An infrared thermometer can give you the temperature instantly. You can find a contactless infrared thermometer in the online markets but no one supports IoT functionality so keeping the record of the temperature is not easy. To solve this problem I made this IoT thermometer which sends the data to the cloud server automatically when measured and the graph can be visualized from the web dashboard.
1. Contactless
2. Rechargeable
3. WiFi Enabled and store the data to the cloud
4. Data can be visualized from a graph
5. Auto power-saving mode
6. Dual scale and configurable
1. MLX90614 IR temperature sensor module (AliExpress.com Product - MLX90614 non-contact infrared temperature sensor module I2C Interface GY-906): MLX90614 sensor is manufactured by Melexis Microelectronics Integrated system, it has two devices embedded in it, one is the infrared thermopile detector (sensing unit) and the other is a signal conditioning DSP device (computational unit). It works based on Stefan-Boltzmann law which states that all objects emit IR energy and the intensity of this energy will be directly proportional to the temperature of that object. The sensing unit in the sensor measures how much IR energy is emitted by a targeted object and the computational unit converts it into temperature value using a 17-bit in-built ADC and outputs the data through I2C communication protocol. The sensor measures both the object temperature and ambient temperature to calibrate the object temperature value.
2. Wemos D1 mini ESP8266 (buy from gearbest.com): Wemos D1 mini is like a “little Arduino with wifi” for a great price. It’s based around the ESP8266, has one analog port and 11 digital ports. It’s programmed via micro-USB (or remote flash via wifi). You can use it with the Arduino IDE, micropython or NodeMCU. The WeMos D1 min PRO is a miniature wireless 802.11 (Wifi) microcontroller development board. It turns the very popular ESP8266 wireless microcontroller module into a fully-fledged development board. Programming the D1 mini pro is as simple as programming any other Arduino based.
3. 0.96 inch OLED display: The organic light-emitting diode (OLED) display that we’ll use in this tutorial is the SSD1306 model: a monocolor, 0.96-inch display with 128×64 pixels resolution. The OLED display doesn’t require backlight, which results in a very nice contrast in dark environments. Additionally, its pixels consume energy only when they are on, so the OLED display consumes less power when compared with other displays.
The model we’re using here has only four pins and communicates with the Arduino using I2C communication protocol.
4. 18650 Li-ion battery: The 18650 battery is a lithium-ion cell classified by its 18mm x 65mm size, which is slightly larger than a AA battery. They’re often used in flashlights, laptops, and high-drain devices due to their superior capacity and discharge rates. 18650s come in both flat and button top styles, and usually boast 300-500 charge cycles.
5. TP4056 1A Li-ion lithium Battery Charging Module: The TP4056 1A Li-Ion Lithium Battery Charging Module – Micro B USB is a 3.7V lithium battery charger module has on-board Micro USB interface. With Micro-USB onboard connector, you can directly connect to computer USB port for battery charging. If USB is not available you can use an external source voltage at IN+/IN- pads, great for DIY projects. It is small size and lightweight. This module is made for charging rechargeable lithium batteries using the constant-current/constant-voltage (CC/CV) charging method. In addition to safely charging a lithium battery the module also provides necessary protection required by lithium batteries. See below concerning the protection features this module provides.
6. 6*6 mini tactile button (4pcs), perf board, and jumper wires.
1. Generic 3D Printer: I use Anet A8, a low price excellent quality 3D printer. I am using this printer for about 3 years and I am very much satisfied with the performance of the printer. You can buy Anet A8 from Gearbest for $170. The printer is available in Kit form and buying this you can get the pleasure of building a 3D printer yourself.
2. A soldering Station: You can buy this adjustable temperature soldering station from Gearbest.com for $42 at 36% discount. It has rapid heating and rewarming capacity and especially suitable for lead-free soldering and soldering.
3. Wirecutter.”