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Digitalize Your Hi-fi System

In this Instructable I would like to show you how I digitized my analog hi-fi system and thus realized web radio, access to the music collection stored on my NAS, etc. The implementation is mainly based on a Raspberry Pi, a Hifiberry HAT and a touchscreen. These components are built into a specially developed 3D printed housing, which is designed to match the appearance of the hifi system.
Since my audio device also has a digital input and the prices for a digital sound card are about the same as for an analog version, I decided to use a digital connection via an optical cable. To be able to use the interfaces of the Raspberry PI (RJ45, USB A, Micro USB power connector, …) and still get a professional looking device, I wanted to connect the ports to the housing walls with appropriate cables and jacks.

Rasberry Pi (I used Model 3B+) + micro SD card
Power supply (e.g. 3A Micro USB)
Heatsink (e.g Aluminium-Heatsink)
Touchscreen 7inch (e.g. WaveshareWaveshare)
Soundcard HAT (e.g. Hifiberry DIGI +)
Optical digital audio cable (e.g. ToslinkToslink)
Front panel sockets (RJ45 , Micro USB, USB)
HDMI adapter (angled)
Socket connector
Power button”

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