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Reggaeton Be Gone

Your neighbor loves to blast Reggaeton music at full volume every morning at 9 am. Could this be an opportunity for an AI device?

Consider this scenario: Your wall-to-wall neighbor loves to blast Reggaeton music at full volume through a Bluetooth speaker every morning at 9 am. You have two options:

A. Knock on their door and politely ask them to lower the volume.
B. Build an AI device that can handle the situation more creatively.
Reggaeton Be Gone (the name is a homage to Tv-B-Gone device) will monitor room audio, it will identify Reggaeton genre with Machine Learning and trigger comm requests and packets to the Bluetooth speaker with the high goal of disabling it or at least disturbing the sound so much that the neighbor won’t have other option that turn it off.

- Raspberry Pi 3
- DFRobot Oled 128x32
- Push Button
- microSD card
- 5v 3A power supply
- Female to female jumper cables
- 3d printed case front (I did use the metal enclosure from a broken audio board)
- USB Mic or Board and Mic (I do use a Behringer Xenyx302)
- (Optional) Bluetooth audio receiver board (if you want to test with your own BT, this is an ideal cheap board)”

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