“Pretty much every project I’ve done just lately has required me to test out some servos and experiment with their positions before they go into the assembly. I usually make a quick servo tester on a breadboard and use the serial monitor in the arduino IDE to get the servo positions, but this time I decided I’d treat myself and design an enclosed, permanent system to test my servos!
The design can control 16 servos simultaneously, using the Adafruit PCA9685 servo driver board. In order to save space, it only has 4 potentiometers for adjustment and a seperate set of switches are used to select the set of four you’d like to control. One problem I encountered in early prototypes was that the design was pretty hard to solder and then cram into a little box, so this most recent design is printed flat, soldered and folded up, making it super easy to assemble!
I used good quality potentiometers with an M9 mounting hole, but if you’d like to modify the Fusion 360 assembly to fit your requirements, feel free to download the file: https://a360.co/2Q366j4 (or just drill it bigger).
I hope you’ll enjoy this quick project, I know I’ll get a ton of use out of mine!
NOTE: I’m having trouble uploading the download package to instructables, so if you can’t get it here get it from my website.
Arduino Uno: https://amzn.to/2XoMolo
Adafruit PCA9685 16-Channel Servo Driver: https://amzn.to/2NQeNNT
5.5mm DC panel input - https://amzn.to/38Spubt
5V Power supply (5A in this case to allow many servos to be driven) - https://amzn.to/34vILMr
10K Potentiometer (Note that there’s room in the design for different potentiometer types depending on what you have) - https://amzn.to/2sILzs1
10K Resistor x 2: https://amzn.to/374seRU
SainSmart 1.8” TFT Color LCD Display Module: https://amzn.to/2r1kcJk
Push-to-make switch: https://amzn.to/38TIwOj
Wire for soldering (single core was useful because of how easily it plugs into the arduino)”