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ESP8266 Based Multisensor

The ESP8266 is a handy little device which can be programmed and used easily, but we have to use the available GPIO pins wisely because there are not too many of them.
In this short summary I will show you how to attach multiple different sensors to it.

The most important part of this device is the casing, as i do not have a 3D printer, I used an existing motion sensor lighting casing. Luckily the hole on it is exactly the size of the SR501 motion sensors dome!

Donwei Motion Sensor (ebay) (aliexpress)
D1 Mini ESP8266 development board
Prototype Paper PCB For DIY 5x7cm
USB Port 5V 1A Wall Charger
HC-SR501 Infrared PIR Motion Sensor Module
RCWL-0516 Microwave Radar Sensor Module
1 x 10V 100uF Electrolytic capacitor (optional, just to minimize false alarms)
2 x 10K resistor (optional, just to minimize false alarms)
MICRO USB To DIP Adapter 5pins
DHT22 Temperature Humidity Sensor
4.7K resistor BH1750 Digital Light Intensity Sensor Module
Piezo buzzer 3V
330 ohm resistor
WS2812 1-Bit RGB Module

Scrap the inside panel from the casing, also cut off the battery holder, as it is takes up too much space.
Cut the prototype paper until it fits nicely into the casing, and try to arrange the components.”

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