“Hey guys, this is a project me and my friends make for our Final Year Project. We have gone through a lot of research from a lot of websites including this one to make this project worked as it should. So what I am trying to do is to give you guys my 2 cents of knowledge to you guys/students/girls/teacher/lecturer/robots or whatever you are.
So, in this “Instructable” I will share, how to create a useable and reliable Home Automation System or Smart Home for you to recreate at your own comfort. Also, I will share how to create your own simple web server for your NodeMCU ESP8266 and how to create your own MIT APP Inventor. Well, I will be putting links below.
In this project, we use 2 kinds of sensors; the HC-SR501 PIR Sensor and the LM35 Temperature Sensor. Both of these sensors have their own respectable usefulness. Exciting isn’t it? Let’s start making.
NOTE: THIS PROJECT IS CALLED ISAT, so if you see anything about the name “ISAT”, it is a part of this project.”