“Since it’s inception the Arduino IDE has demonstrated the desire to support all kind of platforms, from Arduino clones and variations of different manufacturers to third party boards like the ESP32 and ESp8266. As more people get familiar with the IDE, they are beginning to support more boards that are not based on ATMEL chips and for today’s tutorial we will look on one of such boards. We will examine how to program the STM32 based, STM32F103C8T6 development board with the Arduino IDE.
The STM32 board to be used for this tutorial is none other than the STM32F103C8T6 chip based STM32F1 development board commonly referred to as “Blue Pill” in line with the blue color of its PCB. Blue Pill is powered by the powerful 32-bit STM32F103C8T6 ARM processor, clocked at 72MHz. The board operates on 3.3v logic levels but its GPIO pins have been tested to be 5v tolerant. While it does not come with WiFi or Bluetooth like the ESP32 and Arduino variants, it offers 20KB of RAM and 64KB of flash memory which makes it adequate for large projects. It also possesses 37 GPIO pins, 10 of which can be used for Analog sensors since they have ADC enabled, along with others which are enabled for SPI, I2C, CAN, UART, and DMA. For a board which costs around $3, you will agree with me that these are impressive specs. A summarized version of these specifications compared with that of an Arduino Uno is shown in the image below.”