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What does that mean? Send the command twist.getCount() and you’ll get the number of steps the user has twisted the knob. For example, 312 or -23 depending on the direction and amount the user and turned the knob. The Twist takes care of all the various interrupts, switches, PWM’ing of LEDs and presents all those features over an easy-to-use I2C interface. The Qwiic Twist was designed to get rid of the large mass of wires that are needed to implement an RGB encoder in a breadboard. Now you can get encoder position with something as twist.getCount(); and your microcontroller can keep focused on other more important tasks.

The Qwiic Twist has an indent type encoder which gives the user a great ‘clicky’ feel as they turn. The Qwiic Twist also has an RGB LED and a built-in button. We’ve written an Arduino library to make controlling these features as easy as:

twist.setColor(255, 0, 0); //Red
if(twist.isPressed() == true) Serial.println(“Pressed!”);
And finally, the I2C address of Qwiic Twist is software configurable which means you can hookup over 100 Twists on a single I2C bus!”

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