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Atmega328P Companion

ATMEGA328P Companion: The Bootloader and Programmer Module
If you’re like me, you’re addicted to projects and Arduino. However, if you’ve done a number of projects with an Arduino as the brain, you’ve probably started to get sick of looking at the Arduino board as a whole, cluttering your project and overall just looking bad. As such, I decided that I wanted to move from the Arduino boards to using just the IC.
Enter the atmega328p.
The atmega328p is probably the most prolific Arduino compatible IC on the market. It’s by no means the cheapest or most powerful, however, when taking both of these into account, it is in my opinion the best performance per dollar. So are you ready to start making your projects look much more professional and less like a conglomeration of off the shelf modules? If so, read through this instructable and you’ll get the necessary information to build your own module that will allow you to flash a bootloader to your target atmega328p, upload the blink sketch to ensure that things are working, and finally upload your own sketches for your individual projects.”

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