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” This interesting but complicated project will cover things from designing building a robot, to advanced configurations in linux (raspberry pi) to building an Android application and controlling the robot.
So this being said it’s more ambitious then the average projects, but i think you’ll have a lot to learn by examining some ideas here or even replicating the entire project.
First we’ll build the robot using plexiglass, plastic sheets, DC motors with gearboxes and various electronic components. The device will be able to move independently the two front wheels and it will be able to use it’s headlight. Then we’re going to set up the raspberry pi powering the robot and configure the project and install various dependencies. Then we’re going to build and install an android app and use it to control the robot remotely using the camera and a wifi connection.
The technologies and concepts will be exploring here:
Development platforms: Arduino, Raspberry pi, Android
Electronics: H-bridge, using a transistor to drive a big load, infrared sensors
Linux : using docker, docker compose, configuring services using systemctl, video streaming
Programming: Android applications, python, arduino language, serial communication, MQTT

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