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3d Print Your Own Rover

Over the summer I found a fun thing for my kids to get involved with which involved coding and robots as well as giving them the chance to own the materials they had learnt to use. They had a great time, building codable devices for games and light displays as well as rover type robots consisting of a printed plastic motor mount some tongue depressors and a lot of elastic bands to hold the crumble control board, the batteries etc. at the end they got to keep the electronics, wheels and the motor mount.when we got home I decided to design and print a set of parts that would form the body of a more substantial rover for them to play and code with. This instructable covers the requirements and steps used to build the two required sets.
It also holds the stl files with will enable you to recreate your own rovers. if you like this guide then please consider voting in the competions entered into.Thanks for reading.”

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