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Low Power Arduino E-ink Display Box With RTC

This tutorial is about how to use an e-ink display and Real-Time-Clock (RTC) with the Arduino mini pro, including a low power setup! The Arduino platform is awesome to create small projects in only a few days. The problem I encountered several times is, that tutorials covered HOW to build a small demonstrator, but not HOW to use it in a productive setting. Projects either focused on some sensors/ displays or rather on the energy part, but not on both of them. But this is essential for any Arduino project running on batteries. I will explain how I used the e-ink display from smart prototyping with a common RTC (DS3202) and how to get to a low power system which lasts over a year. This kind of system can be useful to many different projects. For me, it was a way to visualize the days of garbage removal. But it could be a platform for any kind of sensor like temperature, pressure, brightness …”

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