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Arduino FFT Spectrum analyzer on VFD display GP1287

“How to make an audio FFT spectrum analyzer on a 256x50 pixel VFD display. An audio spectrum analyzer is a device that visualizes the frequency content of an audio signal. It represents the distribution of frequencies in a graphical form …

Arduino Reaction Time Game

“Test your reaction time with this simple fast-paced button pressing game! I built a reaction time game using an Arduino Nano! Here’s the project: How to build? The build is really easy to set up. Starting with the buttons …

Arduino+Stepper microscope Z-stage + keypress emulation

“Automation of a microscope Z-stage by Arduino + stepper 28BYJ48, controlled by serial dialogue, with emulated keypress after each movement. To understand the meaning of this project, you should be confident with the concepts of focus stacking in macrophotography or photomicrography …

Artificial cartilage with the help of 3D printing

“Growing cartilage tissue in the lab could help patiens with injuries, but it is very hard to make the tissue grow in exactly the right shape. A new approach could solve this problem: Tiny spherical containers are created with a …

Automated HA Fish Tank Design Based on Seeed xiao ESP32S3 Se

“Automatic feeding; Environmental monitoring (including temperature, humidity, water quality); Real-time video monitoring; Remote management In today’s era of the Internet of Things and smart home technology, it has become an innovative trend to integrate advanced technology and traditional fish …

Automated plants watering system

“Imagine a setup where technology integrates effortlessly with nature, allowing you to take control of your plant care routine. In the world of do-it-yourself (DIY) projects, few activities match the practicality of constructing your own Arduino-powered automatic watering system. Imagine …

AutoScaling Signal Conditioner for Your Arduino Oscilloscope

“Designed to Work with Signals up to 2 MHz, it should work with your Arduino Oscilloscope In a recent posting, I presented a 2 MHz oscilloscope using the Arduino Giga. I used a very simple arrangement to scale and condition …

Breaking boundaries in quantum photonics: New nanocavities unlock new frontiers in light confinement

“In a significant leap forward for quantum nanophotonics, a team of European and Israeli physicists has introduced a new type of polaritonic cavities and redefined the limits of light confinement. This pioneering work, detailed in a study published in Nature …

Breathing Mechanism for Animatronic Puppets & Companion Bots

“Simulate realistic breathing inside your puppet or animatronic companion bot. I’m building a companion bot (related projects: Animatronic Fox Head) and wanted to add some movement to the body as well to help it feel more life like. I …

Building a Basic ESP32 Web Server - controlling LEDs

“Learn how to set up an ESp32 webserver and control LEDs using a web interface. Let’s learn how to build a webserver using an ESP32 and use that to control various peripherals. Instead of using a computer, we will …