Content for Robot

Arduino Powered Micro Quadruped

“From the previous projects on this page, you can probably see that I have a deep interest in robotic projects. In one of my previous Instructables, I built a quadruped robot using large heavy-duty servo motors, and this time I …

4 Legged Robot and Head Swing Robot

“Robot using Arduino Nano 33 BLE Camera Shield. I will introduce a robot that uses Arduino Nano 33 BLE OV7670 Camera Shield. A robot that swings its head using two servos and a four-legged robot that uses four servos. In …

Build a Robot That Creates Art

“In this project I’m showing you how I made my own art robot. The whole concept is to illustrate how we as humans can work together and collaborate with machines and robots to create something new. Both the art …

A DIY Quadruped Robot With Arduino, 3D Printed, and Lego-compatible Parts

“Introduction Legged robots have always been one of the most interesting creations in the robotic industry as they could help us in exploring mysterious lunar caves and other space exploration missions. In fact, legged robots are mobile robots with articulated …

Triangle Robot V2

“Hello Everyone, In this Instructables, I will share how to make a Triangle Robot, using a combination of recycled cardboard, skewers and 3d printed parts. Design considerations - Environment friendly, use of recycled cardboard / wooden skewers - Reduce 3d printed parts and …

Tinkercad Robotics for School: Evil Zipline Robot!

“Hello! My name is Mario. Welcome you to a new lesson of “Tinkercad Robotics for School”, where you can learn how to use Tinkercad to create simple and easy fun machines! Today’s challenge: we will create an Evil Zipline …

Jaundice- Your AI Assistant Robot

“We all are familiar with Jarvis AI assistant robot from Iron Man movies and Marvel series. It has always been a dream of programmers to make something on their own. I will today show a simple way to make such …

DIY hobby servos quadruped robot

“Cheap 3D printed 4 legged robot, that almost looks like boston dynamics spot but moves like a newborn. Being a undergradute in physics and bored of solving paper problems, i decided to solve and apply a real world problems so …

Project  Edu-Nano-Bot


“I made a simple robot with basic functions that can be used to teach kids how to code and many more. The robot is pretty inexpensive can can be made with a budged of about 10. Its my first robot …

Itsy Bitsy: an Untethered Climbing Robot

“My goal for this project was to design & build a small untethered climbing robot and to record it in my very first Instructable (woohoo!). The result is the robot shared here, which uses a rack and pinion system to pin …