Content for RFID

Nodmcu RFID Attendance Server With Processing

“A cool way to mark attendance. Have you ever felt the need to automate your attendance process? If yes, then this is the perfect project to work upon. Based on nodemcu, mfrc522 rfid module and processing IDE, this allows you …

RFID Based Wardrobe Managament System

“It all started with a struggle that I had when I had to pack my suitcase. I had to go to my dorm but i didn’t remember how many t-shirts or socks were still there. So I decided to …

RFID Security System With LCD 1602

“IntroductionToday we will be making an RFID Security System. This will work like a security system so when an RFID tag or card is near it will display a message on the LCD 1602. The purpose of this project is …

Arduino Time Attendance System with RFID

“In this project you’re going to build a time attendance system with MFRC522 RFID Reader and Arduino. When you swipe an RFID tag next to the RFID reader, it saves the user UID and time in an SD card …

Kids MP3 Music Box

“When looking for some new DIY projects around arduino I found some nice ideas on RFID based MP3 players for Kids. And there is one great professional toy box on the market - these guys rule. They made a great business …

ESP32 With RFID: Access Control

“How about a method of automatic identification through radio signals that can bring you security and control the access of people to a certain location? This is possible through radio frequency identification or RFID from the English Radio Frequency Identification …

RFID Dropbox Logger

“Log data to a text file on Dropbox whenever an RFID card is scanned. Have you ever wanted a system that keeps track of the time at which your employees arrive to work, have you ever wanted to check the …

RC522 RFID Tag Reading with the Raspberry Pi

“RC522 RFID modules are a simple add-on you can connect to a Raspberry Pi to read MIFARE tags and cards. This is potentially a great feature to include in a security system or any application where you need to identify …

Open Source Machine Access System

“Every makerspace/hackerspace around the world has its own issues to deal with involving use of the machines Insurance policies, waivers, and various forms can only work so well, so this is more tuned to makerspaces that need an extra …

Iot Ca2 - Smart Door

“Description: It is a door locking system for a room.Registered users will be able to use a RFID card to get in, and the lights for the room will turn on. If a wrong RFID card is tapped, the …