
“An open-source bike computer based on Raspberry Pi Zero (W, WH, 2 W) with GPS and ANT+. Pi Zero Bikecomputer is a GPS and ANT+ bike computer based on Raspberry Pi Zero(W, WH, 2 W). This is the first …

“In this Instructable I want to show how to use the LSM303 sensor to realize a tilt compensated compass. After a first (unsuccessful) attempt I dealt with the calibration of the sensor. Thanks to these, the values of the magnetometer …

“I found the personal compass project at Instructables.com quite interesting. Basically, a personal compass works like a regular compass, but instead of pointing to magnetic north, it points to a particular location of personal interest. Maybe it is pointing …

“This instructable was created in fulfillment of the project requirement of the Makecourse at the University of South Florida (www.makecourse.com) This device is a solar powered clock. Its aim was to provide a nice desk piece that was …

“Recently, there’s been a lot of discussion in the sports community about the effects of concussions that can be commonplace during an athletic season. Research is still being done to find a link between the development of CTE, chronic …

“This is my first Instructable, so please bear with me. So like most people interested in quadcopters i wanted to make one cheaply. Well after a little bit of time and import from across the world i was able to …