“In this tutorial we will merge all the parts seen in these past tutorials here. In those tutorials we have seen how to measure resistance, current, indcutnace and capacitance. Measure voltage is very easy. In this tutorial we make a …
“Lots of line followers are available on the internet. Most of them are made using separate modules. Several single PCB designs are available but all three functionality like Bluetooth control, obstacle avoiding and line following is not available in a …
“Hi all, I teach a Bioinstrumentation course for middle school students in the winter as a part of Purdue GERI (Gifted Education Resource Institute). In this course, I introduce students to basics of circuits and how we use circuits in …
“Build this small oscilloscope. Frequency range is up to 40KHz(25uS full screen) In 4 selectable ranges. Input voltage is between 50mVpp and 50Vpp in 2 selectable ranges. Gain is adjustable between 1 and 100. Accepts AC or DC input …
“In this project I will show you how we can use the classic LM3914 IC to create an LED Battery Level Indicator. Along the way I will show you how the IC works and explain why it is not the …
“Today we are going to look at the VU meter, it’s fundamentals and it’s build. By the end of this tutorial, you will have made your very own VU Meter!”
“It’s been a long time since my previous tutorial, my work is quite busy and I spend less time on Instructables. This time is a project that I like very much since my first saw it on Kickstarter: Air …
“Welcome back. Today we will build a power meter using Arduino. We already build the current meter in a past tutorial and also a capacitance and resistance meter and the inductance meter. Check all those tutorials here and learn more …
“I like homemade gifts and if I have enough time for it, I’ll surely grab the opportunity to make one for someone. I was a bit uninspired for this one so I started looking online and got a few …
“In this project we will use the basics of an IR senosr to measure the speed of rotation of a shaft. The idea is to dectect or not the infrared light. Having some sort of reflecting material on the rotating …