“Following a year and a half of sitting inside the house, I set out to improve my wellbeing by getting a new fitness tracker. It worked out better than I expected - hacking on it kept me busy for a couple …
“I presented this project at BangBangCon West 2020, but never got around to publish a blog post about it. A 10 minute talk is not enough to cover some technical aspects, and since I’m starting to forget them, it …
“Repurposing boring eInk electronic shelf labels / price tags into useful photo frames / status displays, with blackjack and hookers custom firmware and greyscale! Quick video (partially sped up) here: [LINK]. There you can see association, image download with progress bar, and …
“The beginning For more than 15 years I’ve built my own “Home Automation” components. Nothing fancy, though maybe back then it was. It started with some colored LED spots under my couch connected to my Ethernet via a micro …
“I wanted to close my investigation by targeting the two major security features: Secure Boot Flash Encryption My final goal is to achieve a PERSISTENT exploit, bypassing the Secure Boot and the Flash Encryption. In this report, I disclose a …
“The ATTiny85 is a nice cheap micro-controller useful for standalone applications with a small amount of I/O and not needing connectivity like wifi. A convenient way of using these is with the Digispark type modules as they incorporate a …
“Recently, while conducting an assessment for a product based on the nRF51822 System on Chip (SoC), I found my target’s debug interface was locked – standard stuff. Reading up on the nRF51 series SoCs revealed that this is how these …
“While driving a servo with a microcontroller (as Arduino), you can only give him orders of target location (in PPM signal). With this order, the servo will move to this target location. But it’s not instantaneous! You don’t …
“So, what about doing some measurements with your Digital Vernier Caliper and having your Arduino to do some work with these measurements ? Maybe Saving them, Doing some based-on calculations or adding these measurements to a feedback loop from your mechanical …
“Use a RasPi to control a Luminator sign using Wifi Step-by-step instructions to reverse engineer and modify a Luminator bus sign, adding a Raspberry Pi for control over WiFi. The Port City Makerspace gifted our makerspace a pair of Luminator …