
“This instruction is a story about how I made an ornithopter prototype. For those who do not know, an ornithopter is a machine designed to achieve flight by flapping wings like a real bird. The idea was to create an …

“In this small project I will show you how to build a custom ESC/Servo Tester. Along the way I will show you how to setup the timer of the ATmega328P in order to create the required control signal. At …

“Hello guys my name is wachid kurniawan putra, today i will share my microcontroler project with my team My team consist of 4 people including myself, they are: 1. Juan Andrew (15/386462 / SV / 09848) 2. Wachid Kurniawan Putra (17 …

“A smaller and cheaper open source brushless motor My open source PCB motor is my attempt to build a smaller, cheaper and easier to assemble micro brushless motor. What unique about this motor design is that the stator is printed …

“BWOOM Mask is from the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Central Africa. Unlike most art, it was designed to be used in African masquerades. The mask was used in dance and other rituals and shook back and forth on …

“A Drone is a very expensive gadget(product) to buy. In this post I am going to discuss, how I make it at cheap?? And How can you make your own like this at cheap priceWell in India all the …

“In this Instructable we will be debriefing the method of setting a soft extension limit for actuators with potentiometer feedback. After completing this tutorial you will be able to successfully control the fully extended position of a linear actuator. All …

“In this project I will firstly demonstrate how a common ESC works and afterwards create a circuit consisting of an Arduino Nano, an L6234 motor driver IC and a couple of complementary components in order to build a DIY ESC …

“People have always been fascinated by holographic representations. There are several ways to do this. In my project i use a spinning helix of LED strips. There are a total of 144 LEDs that can displays 17280 voxels with 16 …

“Some time ago (over 8 months) I was thinking about what I can build. I wanted to make an interesting robot/device that will be challenge for me and will encourage me to learn new things. I thought about the …