Content for E-Paper

EPaper Dashboard

“E-Paper Multipurpose Dashboard powered by Li-Po with roughly four months battery life I needed a device that can store the date of a specific event, which I can check later. To be more precise, I needed a device that can …

Weather and news station (e-paper and Raspberry Pi)

“Fed up of ugly weather station ? Build your own providing current weather and forecast but also air pollution tracking and top news ! Features This project : Call a weather and news API to get information Parse the incoming JSON to use …

Professional Weather Station Using ESP8266 and ESP32 DIY

“LineaMeteoStazione is a complete weather station which can be interfaced with professional sensors from Sensirion as well as some Davis Instrument component (Rain Gauge, Anemometer) The project is aimed as DIY weather station but just requiring the assembly part, because …

e-Paper Templates

“Template-oriented driver for e-paper displays using Arduino. Define a layout with a JSON template, and update the display by changing variables via a REST API or MQTT.”

SpaceX Next Launch Display with Adafruit MagTag

“The Adafruit MagTag is perfect for reminders of upcoming events. This includes space launches. and in this project, launches by SpaceX. SpaceX is launching numerous interesting missions including manned to the ISS, cargo for the ISS, Starlink satellites, and more …

E-ink Dashboard

“This is a E-ink dashboard that provides real-time information pulled from API using a Raspberry Pi Zero. I’ve always been interested in projects that provide you real-time information from selected sources, seeing people doing smart mirror projects made me …

4.2in E-Paper Spotify Weather Clock

“This project uses Python3 to display two users’ recent Spotify history, weather for two cities (local and away), and the current time Written for Waveshare’s 4.2 e-paper display, this project connects with Spotify’s API to display the …

E-paper Weather Display

“Raspberry Pi weather display using Waveshare e-paper 7.5 inch display, Open Weather Map API, and Python.”

YouTube Subscriber Counter Using an E-Paper Display and Raspberry Pi Zero W

“In this Instructable, I’ll show you how to build your own Youtube Subscriber Counter using an e-paper display, and a Raspberry Pi Zero W to query the YouTube API and update the display. E-paper displays are great for this …

Project  BikeEverest


“A champion biker from Alaska—Lael Wilcox—in a 21-hour nonstop stretch over the this Memorial Day weekend, made 13 trips up and down a 9-mile stretch of local Hatcher Pass Road to complete the Everest climbing challenge. The goal …