Content for Digispark

Reducing Sleep Current in ATTiny Digispark

“The ATTiny85 is a nice cheap micro-controller useful for standalone applications with a small amount of I/O and not needing connectivity like wifi. A convenient way of using these is with the Digispark type modules as they incorporate a …

3D Printer Clog Detector

“I designed this small device to be able to alert me in the unfortunate event the nozzle clogs. It does so by monitoring the flow of the filament This small device allows you to detect if the nozzle of your …


“I was asked to make a set of automatic hand-sanitizer dispensers (on a short-time notice, of course) for Barcamp Yangon 2020 Event. Amid Corona/COVID-19 virus outbreak events, event organizers took public health protection in consideration and planned to …

Persona Project

“”Persona Project” electronic weareable device tag who can show your name for meetings, commercial presentations or funny messages for events. Can show messages to your friend, customers, waiters, presentations Loop messages 3 type of diferent texts sizes: 4linesx16chars, 2x8 and …

Burglar Alarm Using PIR Sensor and Digispark With PCB Layout

“Hey guys, welcome back, In the previous post, I told you how an IR sensor works, how to make a line follower using an IR sensor and to make a Simple DIY Burglar Alarm using an IR sensor and a …

Digispark & WS2812 Rainbow Wheel in a Box

“This tiny project has been made around a nicely carved 10x6x5cm wooden box I found in a shop. Its best feature, which has not actually been properly caught on camera, is to light up with bright, saturated colors, the sides …

Home Made Digispark

“Digispark is an ATtiny85 based microcontroller development board come with USB interface. Coding is similar to Arduino, and it use the familiar Arduino IDE for development. My digispark will be powered by USB only. Digispark is fully compatible with arduino …

How to Setup DigiSprak Attiny85 Board

“Hello there Engineers and Hobbyists, we all love Arduino’s right! But using an Arduino UNO, NANO or any other Arduino for a small task like displaying a simple message on LCD or just Fading LED would be waste of …

Christmas Star LED Neopixel Arduino Attigny85 Digispark

“In this Instructable I show how I my a Christmas star using neopixels, driven by a Attigny digispark board, mounted on a 3D printed star”

Matriz Led 5x4 Digispark

“Bicycle Directional LightsFantastic Auto Lights Following the theme of charlieplexing, searching the network I found a circuit of a led matrix, in which text can be moved, the matrix is ​​4x5 and only uses 5 pins, ideal for use with …